18 Apr 2012
I want to talk about Lisp because so far I can say that I am really loving it and I will certainly be spending more time with it and learning about it.
Allow me to quickly tell you about a little nice puzzle:
Word ladder Puzzle
This puzzle was invented by Lewis Carroll a long time ago. The puzzle is defined by three elements, a language (for our purposes a dictionary with plenty of words of the same length), a start word and an end word. The goal is to find a path between the two words by changing a single character at the time, and the resulting words from such change have to be valid words in the given language.
Example for HOME
and MEAL
Solving it
So, armed with my new rudimentary skills of Common Lisp I decided to write a Lisp solver of this puzzle. The code is in Github, along with a ruby implementation I wrote a while ago. I will reproduce the Lisp version here in order to explain the way I solved it, maybe I can pique your interest and you want to learn about it too.
First, we have to have some dictionaries handy, I already have some up in Github that you can download. Now that we have a nice dictionary, we have to read it and have it handy, in Common Lisp:
(defparameter *dictionary* ())
(defun read-dictionary-file (fname)
(with-open-file (stream fname)
(loop for line = (read-line stream nil 'foo)
until (eq line 'foo)
collect line)))
(defun initialize-dictionary (fname)
(let* ((dictionary (read-dictionary-file fname))
(first-len (length (first dictionary))))
(setq *dictionary*
(remove-if-not (lambda (word)
(eql (length word)
The first line simply defines a global variable named *dictionary*
(the *
around the name is a naming convention) to be an empty list. Then we declare two
- read-dictionary-file
- Opens the file with the given filename, reads every line and returns them as a list.
- initialize-dictionary
- Calls read-dictionary-file and stores the given list in a local variable, then it gets the length of the first word in the dictionary and removes every word from the list if its length is not equals, a basic check, finally it saves the result into the ==*dictionary*== global variable.
If you have a flavor of Common Lisp installed, we can already test this functions in the read-print-eval-loop:
[10]> (initialize-dictionary "dictionaries/four-char-dictionary.txt")
("mitt" "that" "with" "they" "this" "have" "from" "word" "what" "were" "when"...
[11]> *dictionary*
("mitt" "that" "with" "they" "this" "have" "from" "word" ...
[12]> (length *dictionary*)
Now that we have our dictionary handy, let’s think a bit about the problem. We want to find a way between two given words, we start from one word, how do we know what our options are to move from a word to another?
A way to visualize this problem is as a graph where every word is represented as node and the edges connect nodes which are apart only by a single character.
For example, in a dictionary with english words of four characters, the word “home” has the following neighbors:
Here’s the code to find the neighbors of a word in our dictionary in Lisp:
(defun one-apart-p (w1 w2)
(and (eql (length w1) (length w2))
(= 1 (loop
for c1 across w1
for c2 across w2
count (not (equalp c1 c2))))))
(defun find-neighbors (word dictionary)
(when (member word dictionary :test #'equalp)
(remove-if-not (lambda (x)
(one-apart-p word x))
- one-apart-p
- It's a predicate, that is, it returns true or false. It is a convention in Common Lisp to suffix predicate functions with -p. What it does is that given two words, it loops across them counting how many differences they have. If they have only one difference it returns true, else false.
- find-neighbors
- Takes a word and a dictionary and returns a list of all the words in the given dictionary that are one character apart from the given word. All its neighbors!
Running the code:
[61]> (find-neighbors "home" *dictionary*)
("some" "come" "hole" "hope" "hose" "Rome")
Now that we can find the adjacent words for each word in our dictionary, we can find our ladders. There are two basic ways to traverse the graph, which are:
- Breadth-first
- We check the current level before moving onto the next one, that is, we check if our target word is in the neighbors list, in our example, `home` to `meal` we check if `meal` is in the neighbors of `home`, it is not so the next step is to move one level down, we do this by having a list of all the neighbors of the neighbors (recursively), then we check again, if not we move down another level and so on.
- Depth-first
- We get our list of neighbors, then we check against the first one, if it is not our target, we get its list of neighbors, check against the first one, if not we get its list of neighbors... you see what I mean, basically, you go as deep as you can in the graph, if you hit a dead-end you go back to a level where you have more neighbors and then you go deep on that too. Wikipedia has some nice animated gifs showing how this works.
In my implementation I chose breadth-first, is way faster than depth-first for this particular problem, other problems may be better served by a depth-first approach.
The code:
(defun find-ladder (first second dictionary)
(labels ((follow-ladders (ladders visited)
(let ((already-visited (nconc visited
(mapcar #'first ladders)))
(matching-ladder (find-if (lambda (ladder)
(equalp second (first ladder)))
(if matching-ladder
(follow-ladders (mapcan (lambda (ladder)
(mapcar (lambda (neighbor)
(cons neighbor ladder))
(set-difference (find-neighbors (first ladder) dictionary)
:test #'equalp)))
(follow-ladders (list (list first)) nil)))
A bit long, but basically we are given two words and the dictionary, we define a local function with the labels keyword, this allows the function to call itself recursively.
Our local function takes two parameters, ladders
and visited
. Ladders is a
list of lists where the first element is the word to follow, the function also
creates two local variables, already-visited
which holds a list of the nodes
we have already checked and matching-ladder
which checks if there is already a
complete ladder.
If the ladder is found then return it and we are done. If not, follow-ladders
calls itself recursively by adding the neighbors of all the current words to our
ladders, always checking against already-visited
so we don’t follow the same
node twice.
basically calls the local function by creating a list with the
first word and an empty list of visited nodes.
Running the code:
[62]> (find-ladder "home" "meal" *dictionary*)
("meal" "heal" "head" "held" "hold" "hole" "home")
And that’s it! A breadth-first solver for the word ladder puzzle.
Closing remarks
One of the first shocks for programmers like me, accustomed to imperative languages (at the time of this writing I do C# for a living) is that there are too many parentheses, but then I realized (thanks to Land Of Lisp that they are simply lists of lists (or trees).
Lisp is very homoiconic, which is a fancy word to say that the representation of the program is a primitive type of the programming language itself, this has the natural consequence of Lisp being able to process Lisp code itself, which is the concept of macros (unlike languages like C where a macro is simply text substitution), in Lisp functions take values and return values (as in every language) but macros take Lisp code and return Lisp code.
I am really liking Lisp, I will certainly be using it as often as I can to solve anything I can get my hands on to improve my almost non-existent skills. Which, if you are an amazing Lisper, please do not be offended if my code sucks, I am trying to learn, feel free to send me an email with any suggestion you may have!
Which reminds me, I would like to thank Peter Seibel, author of Coders at Work and Practical Common Lisp because he took the time to look at my original code and give me some very useful tips after I bugged him on IRC (go read his books, they are great).
Thank you Peter!