18 May 2013
The problem
It was a normal day at my job, my team mates were putting the finishing touches and bug fixes into our latest features, due to be released during Finovate Spring. I wasn’t part of that project but found myself free of my own tasks and decided to jump in to help. And so a bug report came to me.
The bug was simple, when adding some expenses to a report they weren’t being displayed until you refreshed (this was our webapp) which is a bad thing, you want to see stuff as you do it. So I embarked into a journey of code exploring, setting breakpoints, running through the debugger. It just took a couple of minutes to realize that the new expenses were being displayed just to be immediately hidden again by some other part of the code.
What to do?
It didn’t take much guessing to know that the culprit was an incorrect
call to jQuery.hide()
. So I needed to find out if the call
was being made on the element directly or on one of its parents. So I
set up to monitor all the calls to jQuery.hide()
adding an expense and find out what was being hidden and where in the
code the call originated from. So what to do?
Normally is just a couple of choices:
- rgrep all the occurrences of the id or class of the element being hidden as to see what parts of the code were making a reference to it, this of course would only work if one of the parents of said element weren’t being hidden as opposed to just said element.
- Place a conditional breakpoint
on jQuery’s hide function. This is a moderately complex web
application, we have dialogs, popover tips, etc., so the calls to
are many.
None of these seemed very appealing or particularly fast. Specially the debugging one which certainly would take me to the right answer albeit after taking the time to filter out all the calls that weren’t the one I was looking for.
I reminisced of Common Lisp’s trace/untrace macros. That
would be the ideal, having some code run whenever
was being called and display the
parameters/context so I could see what it was being called with, that
would allow me to narrow my search significantly. Then I realized this
is easily doable in Javascript (comments added for clarity):
$.fn.hide = (function() { // Executed on the spot to create a closure.
var oldfn = $.fn.hide; // Save jQuery's hide().
return function () { // Create the closure and return the function to replace it.
console.log(this); // Simply print the context.
oldfn.apply(this, arguments); // Apply jQuery's hide() so everything works normally.
}()); // Execute it and rewrite jQuery's.
I ran that in Chrome’s console, did the steps to reproduce the bug and voilà. After that I knew which HTML elements were being hidden and I easily found the one that was hiding the element I wanted. After that I refreshed the page, and ran the same code as before, just with a conditional to check for the element id and printing the stack trace when that element was hidden and I found the part of the code that was doing it and after that it was an easy fix.
After wrapping up the bug fix, I realized that the little trick to hook into another function could be easily abstracted into a tiny library and so I took it as a weekend project to do it. And so Tracing.js was born.
The premise is simple, it allows you to hook functions on your own to other functions. There are two types of hooks, before and after, as their name imply, before functions will be called before the actual function call, and after will be called after the fact. It is been pointed out to me that this pattern can also be classified as Aspect Oriented Programming but that wasn’t what I had in mind when I wrote this.
As a plus and because I always found this very useful in Common Lisp, I
added a trace()
functionality that works exactly the same
as the source of inspiration.
// Assuming we have previously defined these functions:
Tracing.trace('square', 'multiply', 'add');
> square called with arguments: (2)
> multiply called with arguments: (2, 2)
> add called with arguments: (0, 2)
> add called with arguments: (1, 1)
> add called with arguments: (2, 0)
> add returned: 2
> add returned: 2
> add returned: 2
> multiply called with arguments: (2, 1, 2)
> add called with arguments: (2, 2)
> add called with arguments: (3, 1)
> add called with arguments: (4, 0)
> add returned: 4
> add returned: 4
> add returned: 4
> multiply called with arguments: (2, 0, 4)
> multiply returned: 4
> multiply returned: 4
> multiply returned: 4
> square returned: 4
You can find this code on Github.